
:woman: A list of awesome technical opportunities for women


Rails GSOC:

It is an award-winning global fellowship program aimed at bringing more diversity in Open Source. It is a global fellowship program for women and non-binary coders. Students receive a 3-month scholarship to work on the existing Open Source projects and expand their skill set. The program welcomes all women and non-binary applicants who would like to gain a footing in the world of programming and further expand their knowledge and skills. Successful applicants are paid a monthly stipend, from July to September, to work on a worthwhile Open Source project. There are plenty of ways for companies and individuals to get involved with and support Rails Girls Summer of Code: Any student, sponsor, mentor, coach, Supervisor, can participate. Description


Google Women Techmakers:

Through the Women Techmakers Scholars Program - formerly the Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship Program - Google is furthering Dr. Anita Borg’s vision of creating gender equality in the field of computer science by encouraging women to excel in computing and technology and become active leaders and role models in the field. To extend Dr. Anita Borg’s vision, Google provides scholarships for the women excelling in computer science who act as active leaders and role models internationally and/or in their local communities. This scholarship was previously known as Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship and now relaunched as Google Women Techmakers Scholars Program. Description


Facebook Grace Hoppers:

Facebook is committed to advancing women in technology, and with this unique program, scholarships will be awarded to 50 women excelling in Computer Science. Each recipient will have the opportunity not only to attend the Celebration, but to spend valuable days before the conference with Facebook engineers learning, collaborating, and preparing for the conference. Description


She++ #include:

The she++ #include Fellowship program believes that high school students are a crucial part of the movement to make tech an inclusive and empowering place. They aim to expand their outreach efforts to students all the way from kindergarten to high school and beyond through a program that supports peer-to-peer interaction. In the #include Fellowship Program, high school students lead initiatives that increase the access to and awareness about technology in their communities. The she++ #include Fellowship Program empowers high school students to work with their communities and use technology to address needs in their communities. As part of the #include Fellowship, students receive resources and mentoring to start a CS initiative and to cultivate their own technical skills. No technical experience is required before starting the program. Description


Outreachy internships are open internationally to women (cis and trans), trans men, and genderqueer people. Internships are also open to residents and nationals of the United States of any gender who are Black/African American, Hispanic/Latin, Native American/American Indian, Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian, or Pacific Islander. Outreachy provides three-month internships for people from groups traditionally underrepresented in tech. Interns are paid a stipend of $5,500 and have a $500 travel stipend available to them. Interns work remotely with mentors from Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) communities on projects ranging from programming, user experience, documentation, illustration and graphical design, to data science. Interns often find employment after their internship with Outreachy sponsors or in jobs that use the FOSS skills they learned during their internship. Description


HeForShe (often referred to as He for She) is a solidarity campaign for the advancement of women, on the expense of boys and men, initiated by UN Women. Its goal is to achieve equality by encouraging men and boys as agents of change and take action against negative inequalities faced by women and girls. It seeks to actively involve men and boys in a movement that was originally conceived as “a struggle for women by women”. Description

Django Girls:

Django Girls is a non-profit organization and a community that empowers and helps women to organize free, one-day programming workshops by providing tools, resources and support. It is a volunteer run organization with hundreds of people contributing to bring more amazing women into the world of technology. They are making technology more approachable by creating resources designed with empathy. During each of their events, 30-60 women build their first web application using HTML, CSS, Python and Django. Description